Streamline Reservations
Our in-app resource booking modules help tenants to easily book shared spaces such as conference rooms, individual desks, fitness equipment, freight elevators, and loading docks. Enable tenants to quickly find and reserve available resources for specific dates and times along with value-added services and catering.

Capture Revenue
Charge fees for space and services to maximize value and reduce manual billing. Tenants can request and pay for offerings right from the HqO app through supported forms of payment, credits and memberships, and permission-based booking.

Easy to Manage
Configure the date, time, resource-specific questions, and duration of booking windows based on the available spaces in your building. Avoid unnecessary emails and phone calls by empowering tenants to directly book slots and by enabling your team to approve requests directly in HqO's administration interface.

When you need to go beyond space reservations, we've got you covered. Streamline meeting room processes and charge for rooms based on type, time, and length of booking. All bookings are contactless through the HqO Workplace Experience App.

Make Better Decisions
Use HqO Data & Analytics to understand how individual tenants are utilizing resources and make better investment decisions.

In The Marketplace
We partner with your existing technology systems to transform your property into a seamless, well-oiled machine.